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Open Books

Training Emphasis

Psychotherapeutic Externs are provided training in individual therapy and applying evidence-supported clinical interventions with clients of various diagnoses.  Externs provide direct psychological services to 4-5 clients, whom they share with one of our full time therapists.  Services are provide to clients in the home, in the community, in the VCA building, and/or virtually.  Additionally, Externs are taught to use a variety of data collection tools, including student point sheets and behavioral observations to monitor their client’s progress and make adjustments to the treatment approach in order to facilitate the student’s success both in and out of school. Externs are exposed to a variety of evidence based interventions across a broad array of conceptual theory including Narrative Therapy, Family Systems Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma Informed Practices, Humanistic/Existential viewpoints, and Psychodynamic principles, to name a few.

Group Therapy

Group Therapy

Psychotherapeutic Externs are provided training in the implementation of psychoeducational group therapy.  Externs lead 1 psychoeducational group per week within the milieu and have the opportunity to co-lead a speciality group if time permits.  While groups are run live in the VCA building, students who are working from home have the opportunity the log into the groups remotely via a secure video link. The evidence based practices and topics include but are not limited to: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques, psychoeducational focus on teaching and supporting a client’s skill acquisition, behavioral management interventions, social skills and role play, inclusion and acceptance groups, and healthy relationship groups, among others.

Family Board Game

Family Therapy

Psychotherapeutic Externs provide co-family therapy to clients and their families on their primary caseload.  Externs are provided with comprehensive and individualized clinical training that facilitates the acquisition and refinement of evidence-based family therapy skills.  They receive monthly group supervision focused on the review of theories of family therapy and applicability of family therapy theory and interventions to current clients and families on their caseloads.  In addition, Externs have the opportunity to meet individually with our Family Therapy Consultant on a weekly basis in order to further discuss their family therapy cases.

Comforting Hands

Crisis Intervention/Risk Management

Psychotherapeutic Externs are provided training in response to situations such as threats of suicide, assault, sexually problematic behavior, or severe behavioral disturbances, including Self-Harm Risk Assessments and Violence Risk Assessments.  Additionally, all Externs are provided training on trauma informed practices, behavioral principles, assessment of underlying causes, reinforcement and motivational systems.

Related Service Consultation

Psychotherapeutic Externs are provided training in consulting and collaborating with providers from a variety of disciplines, including: Academic Staff, Occupational Therapy, Art Therapy, Music Therapy, Speech/Language Therapists, Restorative Intervention Specialists, and Psychiatrists. Externs are active participants in all of the IEP meetings that take place regarding the clients on their caseload. During these meetings, Externs are afforded the opportunity to update the IEP team about their clients’ progress and to address any questions or concerns that arise regarding their client or their course of treatment at VCA.

Modern Work Desk


Business Meeting


Curriculum Vitae

Application Process

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